Risk of a DBB Contract

Risk of a DBB Contract

As a project owner, selecting the appropriate delivery method for your construction project is crucial to its success. The Design-Bid-Build (DBB) method is a traditional approach that involves hiring an architect to design the project, putting it out to bid, and selecting the lowest bidder to build the project. However, this method has some significant risks, including the lack of collaboration between the project owner, architect, and contractor, and the low bidder may not have the necessary experience or qualifications to complete the project successfully.

On the other hand, the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) delivery method is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative. In this method, the owner hires a construction manager (CM) during the design phase, who works collaboratively with the architect and other stakeholders to ensure the project's success. The CM can provide valuable input on constructability, materials, and cost savings during the design phase, leading to fewer change orders and lower costs during construction.

However, hiring a CM for CMAR can be challenging for an inexperienced owner. They may not have experience in selecting a CM or understanding the criteria necessary for a successful partnership. An experienced owner representative like Dubrow Group can guide the owner in selecting the right CM, assist in the preparation of contract documents, reviewing proposals, and negotiating contracts, ensuring that the project runs smoothly.

In summary, the DBB method involves hiring an architect to design the project, putting it out to bid, and selecting the lowest bidder to build the project, while the CMAR method involves hiring a construction manager during the design phase to work collaboratively with the architect and other stakeholders. Engaging an experienced owner representative like Dubrow Group can assist inexperienced owners in selecting the right CM and ensure the project's success.

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